CoD Training Manual
(A) Have a clear strategy
You need to pick your favorite strategy and stick to it, no matter Air
attack or Ground Attack. Then build and allocate all your troops
around the strategy. And Focus!
Strategy comes with 2 parts.
1. Pre-attack: use heroes skill points (remote attack including
Gunship, Drone and Chopper) to take out Turrents. (a) If Air, take out
all SAMs first before sending drags in. Any single SAM will make huge
damage to Drags. (b) if Ground, take out Howitzer and Laser.
2. Attack: If Air, it’s simple, all dragon fires. If ground, you may
choose AGR, RPG, ASAM, etc.
3. One ground strategy is use RD1 together with ground troops. In
this case, take out all SAMs is more important than Howi or laser.
4. You can mix ground troops (like AGR) with air troops (like
Dragonfires)it will give your attack a better chance,e.g if you have large deployment space
(B) What's a better strategy?
Personal preference. But I strongly believe Air attack is better,on like what you see in that image above
1) easier to target 3-4 (only 5 at CC9) SAM
2) Don't care wall. In other words, layout doesn't make much
3) faster to make dragonfires
4) Most importantly! When you attack with drags, you can fight with
both air and ground defensive unit. (now almost every senior use
drags as defense)
5) I haven't seen any flawless ground attack. The only exception is
that you want to use healing package 5-6 times.
(C) How to use gunship and drone effectively?
1) Understand damage points of 105, 40 and 25. Depending on your
gunship lvl, damage range from 700 to 900 for each gun.
2) understand range of 105/40/25. 105 ranges 8-9 tiles and 40
covers 3 tiles. That means if you pick target smart, we can attack two
SAMs at the same time, with the same damage.
3) Start from 105, then 40, last 25.
4) For 105, I usually pick a large target, command center or gold
depot. Coz the tile range starts from the edge of your target.
5) For 40, I usually points at walls in between 2 turrets.
6) Time is import! Plan ahead and execute fast. Try to finish the
round within 40 seconds
7) How to find target in bird eye? it’s tough. some tips: a) turn your
screen brighter, b) memorize locations beforehand, c) practice - I can
easily find SAM from the sky.
(D) examples of troops set for different strategies
1). Dragonfire - standard set 15 snipers, 4 jugs, 29 drags, and 1 RD1
(to protect heroes) + ghost, Wally and price
For CC7 set: 15 snipers, 5 jugs and 27 drags
For CC5: 14 snipers, 3 jugs and 14 drags. Price + Ghost. Add'l 4 ally
2) RPG - standard set: 2 AGR (to attack howitzer and laser), 22 RPGs,
4 RD1 + Price, Ghost and Soap. Use their EMP to slow down SAM
3) Ground - 12 RPGs, 37 Jugs, 8 Snipers, 3 RD1, Ghost, Price. Use
Gunship take down SAM
4)Ground - 6 ASAM, 6 AST, 6 PRGs + Soap and Harper w/ cont’d
healing packages
(E) advanced techniques
Wally smoke attack - lvl10 smoke (Wally) is almost immune to attack.
With lvl10 you can almost deploy heroes everywhere.
Take out hanger and comm center first: in high lvl attack, hanger and
comm center could be lethal weapon with drags or ASAM inside.
Could lure them out with single troop (assault or jugg), then use
drone missile or RPGs/assaults to knock them all down.
Alternative way on SAM - gunship use too much time. Alternatively we
(a) Use warbird to attract SAM, send drags in
(b) use EMP (lvl3 and above) to disable, then send drags
(c) ghost's AT4, lvl4 and above
Defense: Put assaults in CMC to slow down game. May followed by
some RPGs.
(F) Other useful attack tricks for with air or ground
Ground: Use AGR to distract Howi and laser, then deploy juggus or
Use special ops to see if angers and Comm C have troops. Special
ops have a low change to be hit until they reach walls
Very important intel - do not upgrade CC unless you've maxed out
everything! Mines, walls, SAMs, even troops and units
After upgrade CC, always upgrade tech center and communication
center first.
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replaysCoD Training Manual
(A) Have a clear strategy
You gotta pick your favorite strategy and stick to it, no matter Air
attack or Ground Attack. Then build and allocate all your troops
around the strategy. And Focus!
Strategy comes with 2 parts.
1. Pre-attack: use heroes skill points (remote attack including
Gunship, Drone and Chopper) to take out Turrents. (a) If Air, take out
all SAMs first before sending drags in. Any single SAM will make huge
damage to Drags. (b) if Ground, take out Howitzer and Laser.
2. Attack: If Air, it’s simple, all dragon fires. If ground, you may
choose AGR, RPG, ASAM, etc.
3. One ground strategy is use RD1 together with ground troops. In
this case, take out all SAMs is more important than Howi or laser.
4. Don’t mix ground troops (like AGR) with air troops (like
Dragonfires), coz it will dilute your attack.
(B) What's a better strategy?
Personal preference. But I strongly believe Air attack is better,
1) easier to target 3-4 (only 5 at CC9) SAM
2) Don't care wall. In other words, layout doesn't make much
3) faster to make dragonfires
4) Most importantly! When you attack with drags, you can fight with
both air and ground defensive unit. (now almost every senior use
drags as defense)
5) I haven't seen any flawless ground attack. The only exception is
that you want to use healing package 5-6 times.
(C) How to use gunship and drone effectively?
1) Understand damage points of 105, 40 and 25. Depending on your
gunship lvl, damage range from 700 to 900 for each gun.
2) understand range of 105/40/25. 105 ranges 8-9 tiles and 40
covers 3 tiles. That means if you pick target smart, we can attack two
SAMs at the same time, with the same damage.
3) Start from 105, then 40, last 25.
4) For 105, I usually pick a large target, command center or gold
depot. Coz the tile range starts from the edge of your target.
5) For 40, I usually points at walls in between 2 turrets.
6) Time is import! Plan ahead and execute fast. Try to finish the
round within 40 seconds
7) How to find target in bird eye? it’s tough. some tips: a) turn your
screen brighter, b) memorize locations beforehand, c) practice - I can
easily find SAM from the sky.
(D) examples of troops set for different strategies
1). Dragonfire - standard set 15 snipers, 4 jugs, 29 drags, and 1 RD1
(to protect heroes) + ghost, Wally and price
For CC7 set: 15 snipers, 5 jugs and 27 drags
For CC5: 14 snipers, 3 jugs and 14 drags. Price + Ghost. Add'l 4 ally
2) RPG - standard set: 2 AGR (to attack howitzer and laser), 22 RPGs,
4 RD1 + Price, Ghost and Soap. Use their EMP to slow down SAM
3) Ground - 12 RPGs, 37 Jugs, 8 Snipers, 3 RD1, Ghost, Price. Use
Gunship take down SAM
4)Ground - 6 ASAM, 6 AST, 6 PRGs + Soap and Harper w/ cont’d
healing packages
(E) advanced techniques
Wally smoke attack - lvl10 smoke (Wally) is almost immune to attack.
With lvl10 you can almost deploy heroes everywhere.
Take out hanger and comm center first: in high lvl attack, hanger and
comm center could be lethal weapon with drags or ASAM inside.
Could lure them out with single troop (assault or jugg), then use
drone missile or RPGs/assaults to knock them all down.
Alternative way on SAM - gunship use too much time. Alternatively we
(a) Use warbird to attract SAM, send drags in
(b) use EMP (lvl3 and above) to disable, then send drags
(c) ghost's AT4, lvl4 and above
Defense: Put assaults in CMC to slow down game. May followed by
some RPGs.
(F) Other useful attack tricks for with air or ground
Ground: Use AGR to distract Howi and laser, then deploy juggus or
Use special ops to see if angers and Comm C have troops. Special
ops have a low change to be hit until they reach walls
Very important intel - do not upgrade CC unless you've maxed out
everything! Mines, walls, SAMs, even troops and units
After upgrade CC, always upgrade tech center and communication
center first.
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